It has been two days and my essay is approaching 1 million reads. It has grown into something that is much bigger and much more important than me. My only intent for sharing it was to let my limited number of followers and friends know how I was feeling. The unintended outcome was, for the most part, a major blessing. It got people talking and viewing things from multiple angles. I'm glad it gave people a platform to constructively debate. I pray that the outcome of this whole thing is something positive. I really do.
I unfortunately couldn't keep up with all the comments and the shares. I actually had to stop reading many of them after the first night because there were more than a few hateful things said and overall just too many responses posted. Like I said, it's bigger than me and I have no desire to be seen or popular, so this is the last blog post I'll make for a while...until I have something else important to say. So probably not for a long while :)
I did want to say thank you for every kind word and every person that jumped to my defense in many cases. For those of you that disagree with my stance, thank you as well. Freedom of speech and freedom of unadulterated opinion is what makes this nation so great.
I also received a lot of comments and messages (as well as super hateful comments) about my start-up company. Like I said, I didn't think a million people would read the thing. I'm pretty sure the average views of my day-to-day posts are about 20-30. I'm not going to try to sell you anything, but if you want to like our page to stay updated on our progress go to
Thanks again for your support and encouragement. We are headed for much sunnier days. There are way too many super bright individuals out there to think otherwise.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving!